The show revolves around the influential and wealthy Taiwanese triad clan, the Suns. The narrative of the show takes off when the clan’s head, Charles “Chairleg” Sun, becomes a target of a sudden and mysterious assassination attempt in his plush Taipei apartment. The attack severely injures Charles and puts his father, the Jade Dragon leader, famously known as Big Sun, into an irreversible coma. The Suns suspect that their long-standing rival, Sleepy Chan, is behind this heinous act and decide to take measures to protect themselves. The show delves into the intricate and complex world of organized crime and the lengths the Suns are willing to go to safeguard their family and their reputation.
Charles embarks on a journey to Los Angeles, California, with a single objective in mind: to locate and protect his estranged mother, Eileen, and his naive younger brother, Bruce. Eileen had made a decision to start a new life in California, far away from the tumultuous past that drove her away from her family. However, her efforts proved to be insufficient, and her youngest son, Bruce, became embroiled in the dark and dangerous underworld of organized crime. Charles, determined to right the wrongs of the past, is now on a mission to save his family from the dangerous and unpredictable world of crime and violence.
Bruce, an average Californian, faces a sudden upheaval when his older brother Charles arrives from Taipei. Bruce learns about his family’s profession as Taipei’s most renowned gangsters, with Charles being a hardened criminal raised by their crime boss father. After an attempted assassination on their father, Charles relocates to LA to keep the family safe.
The story revolves around two main characters, Bruce and Charles. Bruce, a medical school student, is struggling to pay his tuition fees after spending his money on improve classes. He confides in his friend TK, who suggests selling drugs at a nightclub as a way to make quick money. Bruce is hesitant at first but eventually gives in, leading to a moral dilemma that he must face.
Meanwhile, Charles arrives in Los Angeles after a long absence. He is a skilled assassin who has been living a dangerous life on the run. Upon his arrival, he receives news that an assassin known as the Giant is after him. Charles decides to confront the Giant, leading to a thrilling fight that ends with the Giant’s death. Charles also reunites with his mother, whom he hasn’t seen in years. She is overjoyed to see him and gives him a warm welcome.
As Charles settles into his new life, he meets a local crime boss named May. May offers Charles a job, recognizing his skills as an assassin. Charles is reluctant at first, but he sees this as a potential opportunity to make amends for his past mistakes. May agrees to help Charles take down his old boss, who betrayed him in the past and wants him dead.
As the story progresses, Bruce’s drug dealing becomes more dangerous, and he becomes increasingly conflicted about his choices. Charles and May’s plan to take down the old boss becomes more complex, and they face many obstacles along the way. The story ends with a cliffhanger, leaving us wondering what will happen next and how the characters will face their challenges.
“The series explores the complex and intricate dynamics of a family caught in the crosshairs of crime and the dangerous world of gangsters. Bruce, the head of the family, is forced to adapt to the violent and ruthless lifestyle of a gangster while his brother Charles tries his best to protect their loved ones from the inherent danger that comes with this line of work. The show delves deep into the intricate relationships among family members, the struggles they face, and the conflicts that arise as they navigate the dangerous world of organized crime.”