Selena Gomez released her new My Mind & Me documentary.

Selena Gomez (Credit @gettyimages)

Selena Gomez releases new documentary My Mind & Me on November 22, available on Apple TV+ and in select theaters. The dramatic film details Selena’s background, her celebrity life and her mental health struggles and struggles within the industry.

The film explores Gomez’s life over the past six years, chronicling her struggles with being diagnosed with lupus and bipolar disorder and managing her kidney transplant in 2017. It depicts an intimate scene of his condition affecting his mental health and relationships with loved ones.

It gives the audience a deeper insight into not only Gomez’s personal life, but also the darker side of the entertainment industry that isn’t always present, such as the pressure actors face to they are successful. Importantly, the paper highlights the holistic nature of mental health in our society, which does not discriminate based on status or wealth. Selena Gomez is one of the biggest, richest and most followed celebrities in the world, but that doesn’t save her from the struggles many people around the world face. My Mind & Me exposes the lie that having money and fame means you have a perfect life.

The film is full of heavy and painful moments, such as the film of Gomez going to the treatment center and the film of the manic film that he made after. Her understanding of her vulnerability is helping to spark conversations around the world about mental health. Gomez’s disclosure about her mental health is very important because of the stigma surrounding mental health. Mental health is still a taboo subject, even though millions of people around the world struggle with it.

We often put celebrities on the deck, which ensures they are flawless. This movie breaks the mold here by showing how rich and famous people, like Selena Gomez, also struggle with their mental health.

This highlights the enormity of these difficulties and helps frame the conversation about mental health. If we can see someone who lives a life of fame and luxury facing the same challenges as us, we can start to feel ashamed when we talk about our own struggles.

It was an act of courage for Gomez to tell her story. He told the interviewers that he wanted to pull the plug on this shortly before it was released, but his ability to release it to the world was difficult though.

Of course, speaking your truth is not easy, especially for celebrities who have a platform and an audience watching them all the time. For this reason, not all famous people choose to speak out, but when they do, it is an act of courage that benefits the whole community.

Other celebrities should take note of Gomez’s bravery and tell their stories too, if they feel comfortable doing so. Their words have the greatest impact given the pedestal we give them. Their words can move mountains.

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