“Kaleidoscope” Netflix Web Series Plot: How master thief Leo Pap and his crew attempting an epic heist worth $7 billion?

“Kaleidoscope” is an American heist drama television anthology series created by Eric Garcia. The series spans 25 years and centers around master thief Leo Pap (played by Giancarlo Esposito) and his crew attempting an epic heist worth $7 billion. However, their plans are undermined by betrayal, greed, and other threats.

The crew includes:

– Leo Pap / Ray Vernon (Giancarlo Esposito): A career criminal and the leader of his heist crew.

– Roger Salas / Graham Davies (Rufus Sewell): Leo’s former partner-in-crime and the CEO of “SLS”, a corporate security firm.

– Ava Mercer (Paz Vega): Leo’s closest friend, a lawyer, and the weapons specialist of Leo’s crew.

– Stan Loomis (Peter Mark Kendall): Leo’s former cellmate and the smuggler for Leo’s crew.

– Judy Goodwin (Rosaline Elbay): Stan’s ex-girlfriend and the explosives specialist of Leo’s crew.

– Bob Goodwin (Jai Courtney): Judy’s husband and the safe cracker of Leo’s crew.

– Hannah Kim (Tati Gabrielle): Leo’s pregnant daughter who works as the head of digital security at SLS.

The series has a unique shuffled order, with each of the first seven episodes being watchable in any order before culminating in a shared finale. The plot spans 24 years, with the crew getting entangled in a web of revenge, FBI chases, greed, and ulterior motives in order to steal $7 billion in bonds.

6 Weeks Before the Heist

Hannah Kim tests the security of a rival company’s vault belonging to billionaire Stefan Thiele and impresses him. Meanwhile, career criminal Leo Pap plans to rob SLS’s most secure vault and recruits several associates. They plan to steal bearer bonds worth seven billion dollars from “The Triplets”. Hannah discovers she is pregnant and plants evidence on the head of digital security at SLS. She later secretly meets with Leo, her father, and informs him of her success.

7 Years Before the Heist

Ray Vernon, who is serving a prison sentence, plans to escape with the help of his cellmate Stan. After spiking the cafeteria food with magic mushrooms, Ray escapes and receives a new identity. However, a drug-addicted FBI agent investigates the prison break, and Ray’s ex-girlfriend warns him about her new partner. After Ray meets with his ex-girlfriend, he tries to reconnect with Hannah, but she rejects him.

5 Days Before the Heist

Leo plans a heist in seven steps. RJ acquires an RF signal from an SLS security truck and creates a fake truck. Leo breaks into Roger’s home to secure his fingerprint and add a substance to his contact lenses. The Triplets meet with Roger to fence their bearer bonds. Roger suspects Andrew is behind the extortion attempt and confronts him. Under the cover of a looming storm, the heist is set into motion.

3 Weeks Before the Heist

Abbasi attends NA meetings to regain visitation rights to see her son. After a shell casing from the jewelry store break-ins is traced back to Ava, Abbasi tries to get involved in the investigation. Ava and Bob sell stolen jewelry to a fence, Javier Zanetti, and use the funds to plan a heist. Abbasi investigates Ava and discovers her association with the crew. She gets Teresa Duarte arrested by ICE to pressure Ava into becoming a mole. Despite being compromised, Ava continues to work with the crew.

24 Years Before the Heist

Ray, with Graham Davies, breaks into a wealthy banker’s safe and hides inside to avoid detection. After realizing the risks, Ray opens an auto parts store with his family. When his wife loses her job, Ray seeks revenge and robs a charity auction. He is caught and his wife dies in a fire. A distraught Ray is arrested, and his daughter goes with Ava for safety.

The Morning After the Heis

Leo escapes a flooded vault, and his crew suspects a rat among them. Stan’s glasses are found in the vault. Carlos poses as a detective, kills Stan’s wife and mother, and traces Stan’s location. The heist crew faces off with Ava, who brings fake bonds. Carlos and his crew attack, but are killed. The FBI finds their corpses. Abbasi and Toby search Roger’s safe and find something surprising.

6 Months After the Heist

Roger serves twenty years in prison and is visited by Bob, now mute, who wants revenge on Leo and Stan. He recruits two men, Taco and Samson, who find and kill Zanetti after questioning him about Ava’s whereabouts. Ava lives in Ohio with Teresa and Leo, whose Parkinson’s disease has worsened. Meanwhile, Stan and Judy are living in South Carolina with plans to flee the country. Stan tries to sell Judy’s stolen butterfly bracelet, but the buyer alerts the FBI. Bob arrives at Ava’s hideout and Ava kills Taco but she is left unconscious. Leo gives Stan’s location to Bob, who ties up Leo, Ava, and Teresa, leaving Samson in charge of them. After attempting to escape, Ava and Teresa are killed by Samson, who is stabbed to death by Leo. Bob travels to South Carolina, but Abbasi confronts him and shoots him to death. Observing the scene, Judy finds the money in Bob’s car and runs away with it, abandoning Stan. Not giving up on trying to find the rest of Leo’s crew, Abbasi is later poisoned by a man working for The Triplets and collapses. Leo returns to New York, where he calls Hannah and meets his niece, Lily. He is then seen walking alone towards Central Park and is followed by a hooded man, Brad, Roger’s son, who shoots him.

The Heist

The crew begins the robbery while Abbasi guards the SLS building. The crew eliminates armed guards, tricks the gait detection camera, and bypasses facial and retinal recognition systems. Ava releases water to disable the temperature sensors, flooding the vault chamber, allowing Stan and Bob to open the safes. Abbasi is mistakenly directed to the apartment rented by Ava, but he deactivates his security jammer and Roger discovers that he has been robbed. Judy sends the stolen titles into an elevator, but Hannah intercepts them and works with her adoptive sister Liz Kim to replace them with colored paper. Bob betrays the crew out of greed and RJ shoots him, but Judy kills him. Stan sees them dump RJ’s body, and after chasing Stan, Judy strangles Bob, but then performs an emergency tracheostomy to survive. Loaded with now fake bonuses, Ava takes off in the SLS truck. Carlos reaches the vault but Hannah knocks him out and saves Leo. She tells him that she intercepted the bonds, since The Triplets allowed their theft, to claim insurance for the loss. After finding the key to Roger’s personal safe, Leo inserts a necklace stolen from the Christmas charity auction.

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