The Platform, a highly popular non-English Netflix film, captivated audiences with its unsettling portrayal of a dystopian prison spanning over 200 levels beneath the surface. The just-released sequel, The Platform 2, continues the gripping narrative as a new prisoner spearheads a rebellion against the oppressive food distribution system within the Pit. Meanwhile, a mysterious leader enforces harsh new rules, adding to the tension and suspense. Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, The Platform 2 features a talented cast including Milena Smit, Hovik Keuchkerian, Natalia Tena, and Óscar Jaenada.
According to Gaztelu-Urrutia, the filming of the sequel was filled with anticipation and a desire to expand the universe of The Platform. The plot promises to be brimming with surprises, new characters, and familiar faces, creating an enthralling physical journey into the darkness that we often fear to confront.
In “The Platform 2,” the Vertical Self-Management center, known as the Pit, makes a return. This vertical prison features a platform filled with food that is shared among prisoners across numerous floors. Many inmates are there by choice, opting to participate in a harsh exchange for things like clemency or college degrees. They have only a few seconds to eat from the platform before it descends to a lower level.
The prisoners switch floors every few weeks, leading to a stark contrast between those on higher floors, who have access to a lavish platform full of fresh food, and those on lower floors, who have only scraps or even nothing at all. To enforce fairness, the inmates have devised a system where each prisoner must eat only the food they designated as their favorite when applying to the Pit. However, maintaining this system proves to be challenging, and chaos ensues when the rules are broken. A powerful ruler emerges to keep everyone in line, further complicating the situation.
“The Platform 2” is streaming on Netflix.