Netflix Horror Movie Plot: “The Womb”.

Directed by Fajar Nugros and written by Deo Mahameru, ‘Womb’, also known as ‘Inang’, is an expression of Javanese superstitions. The film discusses the meaning of “Wekesan Wednesday” while giving the festival a complex of music. Indonesian horror movies have created many new storylines while improving their culture to make them more unique than the popular horror movies in the market. The director also took inspiration from female travelers to develop Wulan’s character and bring to light the harsh reality many pregnant women face. It takes its root when he decides to honor them by saying their traditions.

This story also explores two sides of parenthood: those who ignore and those who will do anything to ensure their child’s well-being. It plays with the story that parents have to live and bear all the sins so that their child can have a better life and live a good life. The tradition they follow in real life when their child is born on an unlucky Wednesday of praying for his health and warding off evil is well represented by this movie. A recommended watch for horror movie fans, “Womb” brings something unique that can appeal to many people.

Plot “The Womb”: What is the film about?

“Womb” begins with an interview with viewers about a celebration in Indonesia called “Wekasan Wednesday”. It is a Javanese ceremony to ward off the bad luck that befalls a child born on Wednesday. The story begins with the danger of a pregnant girl whose boyfriend left her right after she announced that she was pregnant. The girl, Wulan, works in a grocery store and survives on the minimum wage. The owner, chasing him for money, forced him to quit his job due to harassment. He asked to be paid first; however, his boss tortured him instead. Since he has nowhere to go, he agrees to stay with a couple who wants to adopt his child. When he was with them, he was well taken care of and the couple made sure he was comfortable. However, things start to get dark as he sees some strange things as his day draws near. Confused, he began to search and plan a way out of there, a ticket to freedom arrived in the form of the couple’s son, Bergas. They discover the couple’s plan to save their son from the nightmare, and Bergas helps him escape.

Why did Wulan start dreaming?

When Wulan found out she was pregnant and asked her then-boyfriend for help, he left her immediately after giving her money for a doctor’s visit. He went back to a minimum wage job and was depressed, which his friend Nita found out about and gave him a pep talk. They return to him, and he returns home, where the landlord welcomes Wulan, who demands rent in the middle of the month. He went to his boss to pay him the first fee, but his boss harassed him and slapped him. He was fired from his job, and while he was returning home with food and daily necessities, his owner fired him. With nowhere to go, she contacts the pregnancy counseling center, which contacted her earlier, and tells them that she is willing to consider the option of adoption. With the woman who wants to have a child, they have fun with him and are determined to make him happy until he is born. Mrs. Eva and Mr. The Agus introduce themselves as a lovely elderly couple who almost immediately want to adopt Wulan and her child. He went back, but when he was kicked out of his house, he accepted what they told him. The couple took him to their house in the countryside. Their home is an estate with a large garden surrounded by trees and a small greenhouse where Eva tends her small garden. The first few days with the couple went smoothly as Wulan felt a sense of peace around them. He had a heartbreaking childhood, seeing his parents fight almost every day. The love Eva and Agus have for each other made her sure that her child would receive the best care.

The fateful day began when the couple’s friend, Ageng, was invited to celebrate in Wulan. As her due date approached, Ageng was called to see that the baby was born on Wednesday. The nights after the ceremony are sad for Wulan because he seems to be having bad dreams. His dream almost started as a warning as he dreamed of an unknown woman wandering towards him and a scene of the same woman hugging a newborn child in her arms. a flashlight and a string in his mouth. He also dreamed of a child with blood when he wanted to know what Agus was cooking in his dream. These dreams frightened him because he realized that evil plots were being made. These dreams may be prophecies that tell him what his future holds for him. Wulan quickly put together the puzzle and started looking for an escape route. He tried to ask his regular doctor for help and information about Ageng, but the doctor only praised him; the doctor later became his wife.

What happened to Wulan’s friend?

In desperation, Wulan contacted his friend Nita and asked her to take him from home. And he sent him there; However, Eva had overheard his conversation. Eva asked Wulan about her friend, and she insisted that Wulan brought her happiness. Agus, in a terrible situation, heard them talking, and that day, he changed the image of the simple couple. He tracked down his only friend’s address and delivered poisoned food to her pretending to be a delivery man. The delivery was accepted by Nita’s beau, and they were given the food, only to gasp as news of humans being killed to support the organ trafficking industry played in the background. A few minutes later, Agus entered their house to admire his handiwork as he stabbed Nita in the throat with a clean blade and stabbed her because he was almost he died, thus severing only Wulan’s connection. with and outside the world. Wulan tried to ask the doctor to help him, but since the doctor was in contact with Eva, Agus, and Ageng, his plan failed.

‘Womb’ ending explained: Did Wulan run away from the house? Is Bergas dead?

As the day of his delivery approaches and his fear grows worse, Wulan decides to escape the house himself when his calls to Nita don’t go through. Fortunately, the son of Eva and Agus Bergas appeared right when everything was going down under Wulan. Bergas had left his job in Singapore and returned to his parents’ country to clear his mind for a month. He also ran into a terrible crisis, where he found out that his girlfriend had cheated on him. When he arrived, Bergas was surprised to see Wulan, his appearance scared his parents. They knew that Bergas would discover the event. They take Wulan in as their family member, while Wulan tries to earn enough money to escape by any means possible. Bergas caught him in the act and confessed that he was trying to run away from home. The next day, Wulan tried to tell Eva that he wanted to leave; However, Eva hypnotized him to agree to stay and leave only after giving birth.

Bergas, meanwhile, finds out about her parents’ strange behavior and decides to help Wulan. They were running in the dark to the room when Bergas found an album with pictures of their maid, who was pregnant at the age of 10, and another pregnant girl, who was the husband’s niece. and the wife. Both were missing, so Bergas needed more shows. They arrive at the storage room to find out more about the missing women, and Bergas finds an old document that describes the event. Eva and Agus later found them, and they asked why they were safe. Eva and Agus leave after Wulan lies and asks Bergas for a quick connection outside. Bergas then discovered a ritual where pregnant women and their children were sacrificed to help ward off evil forces.

Bergas was born on a Wednesday, exactly the last Wednesday of the month of Safar, according to the Javanese calendar. This day, in particular, is unlucky and cursed, and the tradition followed to drive away such evil is “Wekesan Rebo” or “Wekesan Wednesday”. It was predicted that Bergas would not last a day past his tenth birthday, so Eva and Agus had to follow the tradition of sacrificing a pregnant woman and her child, who would be born on Wednesday, to save Bergas. lead. . At first, they did not believe in such superstitions, but when Bergas fell ill shortly before his tenth birthday and almost died, his condition puzzled the doctors. They decided to perform the ceremony and dismissed their long-serving servant Sumiyati and her son, Bergas, who immediately regained his health. This led the couple to celebrate the ceremony every ten years of Bergas’ life.

This time they had chosen Wulan, but when they found out, the two of them quickly ran away from the ward. They tried to leave, but the car wouldn’t start. So they decided to flee on foot. Eventually, both were arrested. Agus and Eva decide to push Bergas and knock him unconscious. When Bergas came, he was tied to a chair while Agus explained the situation to him. Bergas was very much against the ceremony, while Agus tried to make him understand why they did it. Eva then entered the room and put the Bergas back together as they decided to continue the ceremony. Bergas finally regains his composure and frees himself by breaking a glass bottle to cut his chains. She kept the broken bottle as she walked to the warehouse to see the doctor leaving after giving birth. He arrived there just before Agus killed Wulan. Bergas used himself as a bargaining chip to get Wulan and her son out of the situation, threatening to kill himself if they didn’t follow him. They sat down in the car after Bergas tried to stop Ageng from interfering. Eva kept trying to get Bergas to look at her so she could do it. However, Bergas walked away willingly, not realizing that he had hit his father with a car. They sped away and stopped at a tea stall near the road as Bergas tried to cool off. Bergas had gone out to pay for the tea; However, the ceremony to save his life did not happen, Bergas was killed instantly by an oncoming car. He’s sure to die on the road, judging by the way the movie emphasizes the high traffic on the road.

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