In 1986, Helge, who was working at the plant the night Mads disappeared, is questioned by Egon about his whereabouts.

The Stranger explains to Jonas that Mikkel is indeed his father and warns him that taking Mikkel back home to 2019 will result in Jonas never being born.

Katharina unsuccessfully attempts to convince Egon that Ulrich never raped her. Still she was trying to convince him.

Helge and Noah prepare to move Yasin's dead body from a bunker behind Helge's cabin. Helge felt guilty of his deed.

In 2019, the police are finally allowed to enter the power plant, and in the caves Charlotte finds a door that is welded shut.

Meanwhile, Ulrich finds Egon's 1986 notes, making Helge a suspect, and visits him at the nursing home.

Ulrich tries to get the answer to his question from Helge. Frightened, Helge claims to be able to change the past and future.

Ulrich is suspended from work for his behavior and Katharina confronts him about his affair. And left nothing for him to say.

Charlotte discovers that the cave system goes beneath an old cabin owned by Helge. Ulrich send a voice message to Charlotte states that Helge is the kidnapper.

Late at night, Helge leaves the nursing home, followed by Ulrich, who brings a book from Helge's room: Eine Reise durch die Zeit by H.G. Tannhaus.